Wednesday, February 10, 2021

It's a privilege to be uncomfortable


My friend has no boobs. She had breast cancer, twice. She has to take strong medications and injections every day for the next 5 years. Everyone fears cancer, but her fears are greater than most.

I see a therapist later today because I am overwhelmed with having teenagers in distance learning. My eyelashes are falling out. My rent went up, again. I am recovering from dental surgery and the stitches in my jaw are really bothering me. But I don’t have cancer so what do I have to complain about?

You know what my survivor friend told me? She didn’t say get a mammogram or a checkup, she said, “Take care of your mental health.” That was profound because what else do you really have besides your psychological condition?

My attitude can be pretty awful sometimes. I am not really someone that exudes happiness everywhere I go. But after having covid-19 I noticed that I generally have a more positive outlook. When I received the positive test result, I was most fearful that I would lose the ability to really use my lungs. I am not a marathon runner but I am a big girl who can run a few miles without stopping for a breather. The fear of not being able to breathe well was so great. I took the advice of my sister-in-law and walked every single day while I was sick; even if I had a fever, I would go to my secluded canyon with the dog and walk as much as I could. There was one day when I could only walk for about 10 minutes before I had to go back and rest. I almost passed out. It was difficult but I truly believe that by pushing myself, I saved my lungs from a worse fate. I didn’t lay on my back all day and let my lungs fill with fluid. I am not 100% the same, I still cannot smell anything. I do get winded faster than before, but I know how lucky I am. Every day since, when I wake up I look forward to breathing heavily out on the side of my favorite hill with my dog. I walked over 35 miles last month, not a whole lot but pretty good for someone who had covid. It feels like a privilege to be uncomfortable. I don’t ever want to take anything for granted. This new appreciation for my lung capacity is boosting my positivity.

What are you grateful for? 

Check out Bentley's latest pug yoga adventures... I stretch while he protects me from dangerous things, or just hangs in savasana.  

Pug Yoga Playlist

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Cute vid of Bentley waiting for his Pooh Cookies Recipe: use the leftover carrot, green apple and celery pulp after juicing as your base, ad...